SIMPLE JQUERY ACCORDION Horizontal Hover Accordion This is a really simple jQuery Horizontal Hover accordion that where the hovered Div expands on mouse over, shrinks when you hover over another Div or returns to normal when you mouve your mouse outside the accordion element. Extremely easy to setup, style and...
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Call to Action - What is it? Without thinking about what the technical meaning of call to action is, you have already been using them almost every time you browse a website. When you click on a link or button that challenges you to do something you are performing a...
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SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) Most business owners don't even think about checking how well their business can be found online. They just automatically assume that once they get a website up and running that they will automatically be the first search choice on any search engine since they are the...
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RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN Have you ever tried visiting a webpage from your mobile device or tablet and got frustrated that you always have to zoom in to read fine print or tap on a button or link? Or when you have scroll the page from left to right and the...
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